Head of the Department of the Press Center
Work days
Head of the Department of Law and Personnel Policy
Work days
Head of labor relations and living standards department
Work days
Head of the Migration of Population Department
Work days
Head of the Department of Labor Market and Employment of the Population
Work days
Head of Finance, Analysis and Forecasting department
Work days
Head of International Relations Department
Work days
Head of Accounting Department
Work days
The Secretariat works in the areas of office, inspection, organization and press.The main tasks in these areas are:
а) in the field of correspondence (office work) work:
- proper organization of office work in the central office of the ministry;
-Analysis of the register to control and properly process the documents on the basis of the Ministry's operating instructions;
- registration of incoming and outgoing documents and distribution of incoming documents to officials to ensure execution depending on affiliation;
- The organization of work on the reception of citizens on personal matters by the management of the Ministry, work with official letters;
- to monitor compliance with the deadlines for the timely execution of documents and the submission of information and responses to applicants and organizations and institutions from which the letter was received;
- preparation of incoming correspondence for submission to the Minister;
- Timely acquaintance of employees of the central office of the Ministry and its subdivisions with documents and other instructions of the Ministry;
- registration of telegrams and facsograms;
- timely submission of documents to the archives of the Ministry, their division into groups and registration of executed documents in cases
b) in the area of inspection:
Ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Standard Instruction in government agencies, institutions, enterprises and other organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan, approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan from July 28, 2017, №358 and the Instruction in the central office of the Ministry and deadlines for the following documents:
- orders and decrees of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- decisions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- orders of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- implementation and submission of draft regulations;
- instructions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan regarding resolutions of the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- instructions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan regarding the resolution of the Council of Majlisi Namoyandagon of Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan (on conclusion on draft laws);
- instructions of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- instructions of the Head of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- Government Action Plan;
- a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- minutes of consultations under the Head of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and his deputies;
- Annual action plan (semi-annual) approved by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- work plan of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- Resolutions and minutes of meetings of the Decision Board of the Ministry;
- orders of the Minister
c) in the organizational area:
- Coordinating the activities of structural subdivisions of the Ministry in a timely manner to submit materials on the issues considered at the Desicion Board's monthly meetings and summarizing the materials as well as receiving the Minister's proposal to submit the issue for the consideration of the Desicion Board;
- development of the draft Work Plan of the Ministry for the first and second half of the year and its submission for consideration to the meeting of the Desicion Board;
- preparation of proposals of the Ministry for inclusion in the draft Work Plan of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the first and second half of the year;
- preparation, convening and holding meetings of the Board of the Ministry;
- development of minutes of meetings of the Decision Board together with the staff of the Secretariat of the meeting and improvement of the adopted decisions;
- development of minutes of control meetings under the Minister, preparation of materials for the next meetings
- registration of decisions of meetings of the Decision Board and orders of the Ministry;
- Conducting meetings of the Commission for the regulation of traditions and celebrations in the central office of the Ministry and its structures in a timely manner
d) in the area of press:
- propaganda of the Ministry and its structures through the mass media;
- Ensuring the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated February 7, 2009, 22622 "On the response of officials to critical and analytical materials in the media";
- holding semi-annual press conferences on the activities of the Ministry;
- To hold ceremonial meetings dedicated to holidays and to prepare the text of congratulatory speeches of themnagement of the Ministry and congratulatory letters;
- Cooperation with the media and websites to cover the activities of the Ministry and its structures in the field of labor, migration, employment, primary vocational education and adult education
- active maintenance of the ministry's website, timely posting of information and reports on the conducted events and news in the areas of the ministry's activity, control over the activity of the ministry's websites;
- timely response to analytical and critical articles and reports;
- taking measures to subscribe to newspapers and magazines in the central office of the ministry and its structures
Department of Law and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Labor, Migration, and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Department of Law and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Labor, Migration, and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan conducts its activities based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan," the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On the System of State Authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan," and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan. It defines the legal and organizational status, structure, functions, tasks, and procedures of the Department of Law and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Labor, Migration, and Employment of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as regulates general issues related to the Department's activities in the field of law, personnel policy, and special work.
The Department implements the following main functions within the framework of the issues assigned to its competence:
- ensures the implementation of the ministry's functions regarding the development and implementation of state policy, normative legal regulation in the field of labor, migration, employment, living standards, adult education, and crafts development, personnel policy, and special work;
- ensures the completion of tasks related to the coordination and control of the activities of the ministry's structures in law, personnel policy, and special work.
The Department carries out the following functions:
- studies advanced legislative practices in the areas of labor, migration, employment, living standards, vocational education, adult education, and crafts development, personnel policy, and special work, and improves them;
- coordinates the activities of the department and the ministry's structures in the development of normative legal acts, personnel policy, and special work;
- proposes changes and additions to current legislation related to the ministry's activities;
- ensures the compliance of the ministry's normative legal acts with current legislation;
- adapts draft orders, instructions, regulations, and other legal documents submitted for the signature of the ministry's leadership to the requirements of current legislation;
- prepares proposals for improving the structure of the ministry's central apparatus and its structural units to eliminate duplication of functions;
- provides practical assistance to the department and the ministry's subdivisions in resolving legal, personnel, and special issues related to their authority;
- participates in the development and improvement of draft normative legal acts in the areas of labor, migration, employment, living standards, adult education, crafts development, personnel policy, and special work;
- defends the interests of the ministry in the courts of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- participates in the development of intergovernmental agreements;
- participates in the work of intergovernmental commissions on issues of labor, migration, employment, living standards, vocational education, and adult education, crafts development;
- proposes measures to prevent corruption cases in the central apparatus and structural units of the ministry and participates in ensuring the implementation of activities in the action plan of the Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan;
- participates in the work of competition commissions for appointments to vacant positions in state service, the certification of civil servants, and adherence to legislation;
- participates in preparing draft orders and decisions of the ministry's Advisory Council;
- checks and adapts draft orders, instructions, regulations, and other legal documents submitted for the signature of the ministry's leadership to the requirements of current legislation;
- monitors the compliance of orders and decisions made by the heads of the ministry's structures and takes measures to amend or cancel those decisions that were approved without adhering to current legislation;
- organizes working relations with employees of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan on issues of drafting normative legal acts;
- strengthens discipline, and organization, creates favorable conditions, prevents labor conflicts in the structural units of the ministry;
- prepares proposals on measures to protect the rights and interests of ministry employees in cases of layoffs and structural changes;
- performs other tasks and functions related to personnel policy and special work.
Раёсат дар доираи масъалаҳои ба салоҳияти он вогӯзоргардида вазифаҳои асосии зеринро амалӣ менамояд:
Вобаста ба вазифаҳои асосӣ Раёсат функсияҳои зеринро амалӣ менамояд:
Дар соҳаи меъёрбандӣ, музди меҳнат ва сатҳи зиндагии аҳолӣ
Дар соҳаи бехатарӣ ва шароити меҳнат:
Дар соҳаи шарикии иҷтимоӣ
Department of Population Migration of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan
1. The department's competence includes: development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation of migration and cooperation with Tajik diasporas and compatriots abroad.
2. The Department operates under the leadership of the Minister of Labor, Migration and Employment of the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter referred to as the Minister) and the Deputy Minister in charge of the industry.
3. The department consists of the head, deputy head - head of the department, chief specialists, leading specialists and specialists.
Main tasks of the Population Migration Department
Within its competence, the department performs the following main tasks:
– ensures the performance of the functions of the ministry for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation in the field of migration, diasporas and compatriots abroad;
– ensures the fulfillment of the tasks of coordinating and controlling the activities of the Migration Service, representative offices of the Ministry abroad, the State Institution "Agency for Employment Abroad";
– carries out information, analytical and organizational support for the activities of the ministry on issues within the competence of the department.
Depending on the main tasks, the management performs the following functions:
- development of draft normative legal acts and relevant programs for the formation of state policy in the field of migration of the population and organizes work on their implementation;
- study of the prospect of the process of internal and external migration and submission to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- coordination of activities of ministries and departments, local governments, institutions and organizations in the field of migration;
- organizing the provision of consulting, legal, social and other services to labor migrants, internal (voluntary), environmental and members of their families;
- analysis of the migration process and development of programs and prospects for the industry;
- submission of proposals to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the allocation of quotas for external migration and attraction of foreign labor to the Republic of Tajikistan;
- collection and analysis of statistical data in the field of population migration in accordance with the methodology of official statistics;
- in cooperation with the relevant state bodies, the implementation of the resettlement of families of environmental migrants from dangerous and exogenous areas to safe areas, as well as from mountainous, foothill, densely populated and sparsely populated areas to areas with sufficient land resources;
- organization of cooperation with diasporas, public organizations and compatriots abroad in the established field of activity;
- takes measures to provide jobs and solve the problems of labor migrants abroad through Tajik diasporas and compatriots abroad;
- making proposals to the leadership of the ministry to encourage diasporas (their leaders) and compatriots abroad who have contributed to the development of the economy of the Republic of Tajikistan and support for labor migrants abroad for industry and state awards.
Department of the labor market and employment of the population
Main tasks and functions of the Department of the labor market and employment of the population, within the framework of authorized tasks, performs the following main tasks:
- ensures the implementation of the functions of the ministry for the development and implementation of state policy in the field of the labor market and employment of the population;
- ensures the implementation of the functions of coordinating and controlling the activities of the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population;
- provides information-analytical and organizational activities of the ministry on issues within the authority of the department;
In accordance with the main tasks, the management performs the following functions:
- preparation of proposals for the development and implementation of state policy, legal regulation of the labor market and employment of the population based on the analysis and forecasting of socio-economic development and the state of the labor market;
- preparation of proposals for ensuring social protection of unemployed citizens;
- provision of the conclusions on the experience of using legislation in the field of employment, analysis of the causes of violations of the law and preparation of proposals for improving the legislation;
- preparation and holding of meetings, seminars and other events on issues within the authority of management;
- participation in the work of the Republican Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of Employment of the Population in accordance with the established order of the management of the Ministry;
- providing citizens and employers with information on the state of the labor market, rights and state guarantees in the field of employment and social protection of the unemployed;
- development and improvement of draft legal acts;
- organization of work on the development of employment statistics, the formation and use of an information base on vacancies, the need for labor at the republican, regional and local levels;
- collection, processing, preparation and provision to the management of the Ministry the statistical information in the field of employment;
- taking measures in cooperation with the relevant public authorities to reduce the level of informal employment;
- taking into account demographic forecasts and in cooperation with the relevant ministries and departments, local government bodies, determining the overall need for jobs, participating in the development of programs for creating and maintaining jobs at the republican, regional and local levels;
- within the powers of the department and together with the Department of Finance, Analysis and Forecasting of the Ministry, consideration of proposals for financing the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population, financing of state programs in the sphere of the labor market and employment of the population, and monitoring the effective and targeted use of these funds;
- within the powers of the department, coordination with the Deputy Minister - curator of the work plans of the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population, consideration of the report on the implementation of work plans, as well as the main performance indicators of this Agency;
- participation in the appointment and dismissal of deputy directors of the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population;
- the requirement to provide the necessary materials from subordinate organizations of the ministry and local structures of the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population to perform management tasks;
- preparation of proposals together with the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population on the electronic registration of the unemployed, vacancies, and other types of services of this Agency;
- providing the minister with a proposal to cancel the decisions of the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population that are contrary to regulatory legal acts;
- monitoring, assessing the quality and access to public services in the field of promoting employment of the population, the effectiveness of the implementation of additional measures in the labor market;
- taking measures to expand the scope of services of the Agency for Labor and Employment of the Population;
- development and preparation for publication of methodological recommendations on the provision of public services and the implementation of state functions in the field of employment;
- preparation of proposals for a gradual increase in the level of productive employment in the sectors of the economy;
- cooperation with the International Labor Organization, other international organizations and development partners in matters of the labor market and employment of the population and representing the interests of the state;
- taking measures to conduct vocational guidance among young people and the unemployed, taking into account the needs of the internal and external labor market;
- preparation of proposals for the establishment of quotas for employment of citizens in need of social protection, citizens vulnerable and uncompetitive in the labor market, taking measures to provide inclusive services to this category of citizens;
- development of a methodology for analyzing and forecasting the state of the labor market and employment of the population and, if necessary, improving this methodology;
- preparation of short-term and medium-term forecasts of the main indicators of the labor market and employment of the population for the effective use of labor resources;
- development of state, regional and local programs to promote employment of the population, investment programs and monitoring and control of the implementation of these programs;
- preparation of proposals in cooperation with other structural divisions of the ministry on the effective implementation of state policy in the field of promoting employment of the population, taking into account the analysis and forecasting of socio-economic and demographic development and the state of the labor market;
- methodological support for the development and implementation of targeted programs to promote employment of the population, including through the development of entrepreneurship and self-employment, the preparation of proposals for the implementation of employment that is resistant to changes;
- ensuring the tasks of the ministry in coordinating the activities of the relevant ministries and departments, public organizations, economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership in the field of labor and employment of the population;
- preparation of proposals for the draft work plan and plan of legislative activities of the ministry;
- preparation of reports, reports and necessary materials considered at the collegium of the ministry and other meetings and events;
- analysis and generalization of indicators of socio-economic development of the relevant areas.
The Department of Finance, Analysis and Forecasting is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan, constitutional laws, codes, laws of the Republic of Tajikistan, decisions of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, based on and direct the decisions of the board of the ministry.
Within the framework of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Regulation of the Ministry and the Department carries out the following main tasks and functions in the established areas of activity:
submits proposals to the leadership of the Ministry on the development and implementation of state policy in the field of labor, migration, promotion of employment and primary vocational education and development of handicrafts;
Contributes to the analysis and assessment of the current employment situation and informal employment;
Participates in the development of sectoral programs in the areas of labor, migration, employment and primary vocational education, adult education and craft development;
Participates with the structures of the Ministry in the development of sectoral statistics, the formation, promotion and use of databases on labor demand, labor migration and the development of primary vocational education, adult education and craft development at the national, regional and local levels;
in cooperation with the structures of the Ministry on the main directions and priorities of the state policy in the field of labor, migration and employment and basic vocational education, offers adult education and development of handicrafts;
studies, analyzes and assesses the living standards of the country's population;
creates conditions for maintaining a database that is constantly used in the course of work;
monitors and analyzes the prospects of the industry;
monitors and analyzes sectoral programs of the ministry
Carries out calculations of the conducted researches in social and labor spheres for the purpose of further use in the perspective of the branch;
plans a single estimate of revenues and expenditures of the central office and centralized activities of the ministry, as well as analyzes the targeted use of funds received by subordinate enterprises and institutions
requests information from the heads of budgetary institutions of the Ministry on any issues within the competence of the Department;
ensures targeted allocation of budget funds of the ministry system, central office, centralized activities and special account;
regulation of working relations with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan, government agencies and educational institutions of the system;
Targeted use of budget expenditures of the central office of the ministry, its system structures, centralized activities and special accounts.
Раёсати робитаҳои байналмилалии тибқи қарорҳои Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон аз 3 марти соли 2014, №146 «Дар бораи Вазорати меҳнат, муҳоҷират ва шуғли аҳолии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон» ва аз 24 июли соли 2020, №418 «Дар бораи ворид намудани тағйиру иловаҳо ба баъзе қарорҳои Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон» муқаррар шудааст, дар сохтори дастгоҳи марказии Вазорати меҳнат, муҳоҷират ва шуғли аҳолии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон таъсис ёфтааст.
Раёсат фаъолияти худро дар асоси Конститутсияи Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, қонунҳои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, санадҳои Маҷлиси Миллӣ ва Маҷлиси намояндагони Маҷлиси Олии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, санадҳои байналмилалии эътирофнамудаи Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Низомномаи вазорат, қарору фармоишҳои вазорат ва Низомномаи раёсат ба роҳ мемонад.
Раёсат дар доираи салоҳиятҳои вогӯзоргардида вазифаҳои зеринро амалӣ менамояд:
The Department of Accounting of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan conducts regulation in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan”, the law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Public Administration”, “On Civil Service”, “On Accounting and Financial Reporting”, “On Public Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan”, regulation of the Ministry Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter – the Ministry), develops other normative legal acts, determines the financial, organizational, structure, functions, tasks, order of activities of the Accounting Department of the central office of the Ministry and regulates general issues related to the activities of the Department.
The main tasks and functions of the Departmet
The Department carries out the following main tasks within the limits of its competence: