In nine months of 2023 the number of active population increased to 2 million 651 thousand people, among which 2 million 602 thousand people or 98,1% are employed in sectors of the economy.
Over the nine months of 2023, 107900 citizens applied to labor and employment authorities, 82302 of who were registered as employed and 45561 people were officially recognized as unemployed. During this period, labor and employment authorities provided social services to 167 thousand 787 people. Among 58 thousand 274 employed, 7 thousand 5 people were employed through reserve places (quotas), 2 thousand 69 people were employed through small soft loans, 5 thousand 396 people were involved in paid public works and 9 thousand 301 people got jobs as a result of job fairs (vacancy fairs).
At the same time, 6 thousand 388 graduates of vocational training courses, as well as 33 thousand 511 people in the areas of labor and employment authorities, were employed due to available jobs (vacancies).
During this period, 832 fairs of available jobs (vacancies) were held in the country. Overall 10 thousand 285 enterprises and institutions took part in these fairs, where 9 thousand 301 people were employed, 7 thousand 720 people were sent to vocational training, 1737 people were involved in paid public works.
In order to engage in entrepreneurial activities, 2 thousand 69 unemployed citizens to engage in business activities. 7 million for 788 thousand 265 somoni financial aid was given. In particular, 909 people received 3 mln. 730 thousand 579 somoni, 2 million to 641 people for conducting business. 632 thousand 434 somoni and for the activity of public services to 519 people in the amount of 1 million. 425 thousand 252 somoni financial aid was given.
Also, 4 mln. to support the entrepreneurship initiative of women and young people to 1183 women. 454 thousand 888 somoni, 776 young people 2 million. 928 thousand 388 somoni and 921 people for the development of folk crafts for the amount of 3 million. 562 thousand 044 somoni benefited from preferential loans.
In vocational education institutions, 69 thousand 052 people were involved in vocational training courses and the procedure for recognition of adult competencies and validation, where 12 thousand 401 of them consisted of women.
Unemployment benefits for 11 thousand 652 people in the amount of 11 million 447 thousand 661 somoni were paid for social support for unemployed citizens. During the nine months of this year, 149 thousand 098 new jobs were created.
As a result of the activities of the labor and employment authorities, in nine months of this year, 4445 unemployed and employed citizens were given employment referrals in the construction companies of JSC "NBO Rogun", and 3584 people were provided with jobs and 1530 people received training. Conducted a sociological survey and 1900 people were given professional advice and used it.
Among them in GBAO - 321 people, Khatlon region - 1913 people, Sughd region - 233 people, Dushanbe city - 480 and RRS - 637 people are employed in construction organizations of OJSC Roghun with a salary from 1500 to 4500somoni.